Youtube Video Player for Unreal Engine


  • Item Name : Youtube Video Audio Player
  • Item Version : v 1.0
  • Author : Rahman Qadirzade

This plugin is for youtube links and other video or audio links to media player. Demo Projects - 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Live Streaming: Coming soon...

Video Playback: The plugin enables developers to incorporate YouTube video playback directly within their Unreal Engine projects, allowing for seamless integration of YouTube content into games, simulations, or other applications.

API Interaction: The plugin provides access to YouTube's API, allowing developers to retrieve data such as video metadata, channel information, comments, and user interactions. This enables the creation of dynamic experiences within Unreal Engine projects that respond to or interact with YouTube content and data

Customization and Control: Developers may have options to customize the appearance and behavior of YouTube components within their Unreal Engine projects, such as video players or live streaming overlays, to suit their specific design and user experience requirements


You will need the following sofwares to customize this template.

  1. it could be you need compile project C++

How to Use

Video Player -

Add StreamVideoBP Actor to Map, place the link (Youtube or any link)

Audio Player -

Add StreamAudioBP Actor to Map, place the link (Youtube)

Widget Player -

Create Widget

Add youtube component to your character or actor and GetYoutubeUrls set (url) from GetYoutubeUrls on widget
You need add audio media player to character, because audio media player not work in widget. after set (url) from GetYoutubeUrls the media player

Copyright and license

For support: